How to Quit Smoking: Tips from Allen Carr

Quitting smoking is not an easy task. But it is quite possible to quit smoking - and the Allen Carr method has proven this in practice.

Allen Carr is the founder of an international network of clinics that help everyone quit smoking. This tobacco addict calls his method the "easy way. "Carr's most famous book is The Easy Way to Quit Smoking.

What is the Allen Carr method based on?

Eliminate fear

Most importantly, he thinks that as a rule, in addition to not quitting smoking, the first of the fears accompanied by the intention to quit. We are afraid to say goodbye to smoking, to face addiction, to feel addicted, which means something else, an insatiable desire to be deprived and divorced. It may not fit in the team, because the discussions in the smoking room during lunch will pass us by. In the meantime, we will do our best to manage ourselves, trying not to think that the nearest store where you can buy cigarettes is too close.

When faced with these (and similar) fears, it is important not to pursue them. Even if you don't quit smoking according to the Allen Carr method, you can try another method and even give up the idea of ​​quitting completely. But if all goes well (which is exactly what you think it's time to quit smoking) - an easy way to get rid of addiction in the past will help you.

Train for personal growth, overcome fear and move on to the next stage - the fight against illusions.

How to quit smoking according to Alain Carr's method


According to Allen Carr, the advantage of the method is the opposite. Usually, when a former smoker quits smoking, he or she tries to avoid smoking, argues with them (and you have to admit that there are many), but this approach fails. As a harmful diet, a thin young woman then begins to eat the sweets she has been deprived of during this time.

Therefore, instead of suppressing your desire to smoke, you can arouse your desire not to smoke. Not to ban smoking, but to allow a new one that slowly kills everyone who is addicted.

The beliefs of many smokers are simply addictive:

  • smoking is a pleasure;
  • smoking helps to get rid of boredom / nervousness / stress / overweight;
  • If you try once, you will not be able to log out;
  • Only people with iron strength and will can quit smoking;
  • Smoking helps you calm down, think more and work harder.

All of these arguments may seem plausible to you, but they become a big "but": it was smoking that developed the relationship, and even so much so that you can't concentrate or be very successful without it. day wins.

So the real problem is not quitting smoking. It's about quitting smoking, not for a while, but for life. "For Life" is not a sentence of non-smoking existence, but new opportunities and freedom from a bad habit that you can find instead of sick lungs, bad breath and wasted money. Not only to the smallest detail, but to your own detriment.

It's nice not to smoke

It is important to understand that the winner is not the smoker, but the smoker. Spending money on smoking addiction, spending on health, time, getting other problems along the way, and finding a place for smokers and a partner you can "do" in a restaurant have as much as a subtle desire to brush your teeth more often.

And the smoker gets nothing in return.

Is it worth a candle?

If smoking doesn't help you deal with problems, but if you create them, you'll be able to share them. You can also try other techniques:

  • Lilac bracelet method helps many people. Initially, it aims to develop a positive mindset, but also helps to combat bad habits.
  • Other people use the 21-day rule - that is, according to statistics, you need to get into a good habit or leave a bad one.
  • Be sure to think about what you want to spend the time you get rid of and the money that comes out of smoking. For example, put aside what you spend on them for a forgotten favorite hobby.

Good luck. Don't let bad habits manipulate you and control your life, there are some things you should give up before smoking.